(+254) 701 020432

Generator Monitoring System By Fleet Hub IoT.

To address the challenges faced to provide the uninterrupted availability of power, most businesses, industries, restaurants, hospitals, and other sectors need a Diesel Generator as a backup power source.

Product Features

Use Fleet hub IOT Real-time Analytics to save maintenance costs

You need an alarm that will report whenever the generator is running.

Why is this alarm important? If you see your generator kick on, you'll know you have a commercial power failure (or your battery plant is running empty and the generator has reacted).

  • Alarm reports generator running status in real-time.
  • Detects power failure or low battery early to prevent network outage.
  • Helps estimate fuel levels and plan fuel runs efficiently.
  • Monitors self-test functionality for proactive maintenance.
  • Triggers corrective action notifications during unplanned generator operation.

The low fuel alarm is the lowest common denominator with respect to fuel levels.

Most modern generators give you the ability to observe how much fuel (usually diesel or propane/LPG) you have in the tank.

  • Modern generators allow fuel level monitoring.
  • Low fuel alarm indicates critically low fuel levels.
  • Quick action required when low fuel alarm is triggered.
  • Timing and site accessibility impact response to low fuel alarm.
  • High fuel level awareness crucial for sites with limited access or remote locations.

Finally, you want to know that your generator is outputting the right voltage.

Just like any power source, you need to know that you're within the voltage ranges accepted by all connected devices. If the voltage starts to move outside this window, you need to react quickly by performing fast generator maintenance.

  • Monitoring generator voltage is essential.
  • Ensures compatibility with connected devices.
  • React quickly to voltage fluctuations.
  • Perform timely generator maintenance to maintain proper voltage output.


Contact Us For Better Conversation


Nyaku House, Argwings< Kodhek Rd., Hurlingham P.O Box 9103-00100 Nairobi-Kenya



(+254) 701 020432 | (+254) 788 032085

Open Hours:

Mon-fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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